The smart Trick of spiritual awakening That No One is Discussing

Have you ever wished you would have the gift of channeling? Channeling the messages from source divine, your angels, maybe even your soul? Well, what if I were to tell you that you already have that gift of channeling, and that you probably already are channeling without even knowing it. Now in this video, I want to share with you seven signs that you're actually channeling already, even if you're not even aware that you are. Because each and every soul, especially as we're awakening, we all have the gift of channel, we all have to give off receiving the higher guidance sharing the messages from the Divine. But of course, you know, the more you can work with it, the more you then embody this gift, and of course, then you will be able to really become a divine messenger as well to become a messenger of the Divine of source of the angels to really share the messages. But even for yourself, you can also receive guidance and insights and messages that are really going to help you uplift your life. But like I mentioned, you already have the gift and you probably already are channeling in some ways, and you're probably not even aware of it. So let me share with you those seven signs just to give you some insights into that maybe you are already channeling, the first sign is that you may catch yourself speaking about certain topics or in certain way that doesn't really seem like you were you want to like where did that just come from. I mean, I just said all these things and chills just sounds so amazing. I don't know where that came from. That is a great sign that you're channeling, even let's say you're writing in your journal, and all of a sudden the writing the way your writing just changes in a way, it doesn't quite sound like you anymore. That too is a great sign that you're actually receiving guidance that you're actually channeling as well. Because when you channel you, it's not so much that it's often not so apparent that you're actually hearing that voice in your head. It's usually the guide source your angels, they're impressing certain words onto you onto your mind, and it's just kind of flowing through you. So when you're really in the flow, when you're talking to someone, and you're really getting into the flow of the conversation, you're really getting excited. That's when you also tapping into that spiritual flow, the flow of really receiving the guidance, that's when you don't do something that's called Talk channeling, where you actually just channel as you're speaking, the messenger just coming through, it's coming from you, but it's actually coming through you it may seem it's coming from you, but it's actually coming through you, you're being impressed certain words that you are meant to share in a certain way. But here, if you ever catch yourself talking about a topic that maybe you don't even quite sure about, you don't really know too much about it. But all of a sudden you have certain insights into that topic. That is usually an insight that has been impressed onto you or like said, if you're speaking in a way that doesn't really seem like you so much, maybe it's not appearing to another person, but for you, you're maybe sitting on that doesn't really sound like me, where did that just come from? That is really a good sign that you are channeling. Then the second sign here is and I just kind of alluded to that already is the way you speak then may also change where you didn't use words of kind of higher wisdom, where you talk more of a wiser person, you are then looking at things almost from a different kind of perspective that maybe usually you wouldn't, but then you're also seeing those things you're speaking about things in a different way that really moves people that maybe uplifts them that that changes something within them. And especially when you have conversation with someone and you share those higher wisdom kind of insights with them, it shifts something within them. That too is a great sign that you're channeling because as you're channeling, you're also using these the words that you're sharing, they're also often infused with light codes of healing and activation. When I for example work with my clients I don't necessarily go to hold trans and challenge that way. But I do a lot of that talk channel as well. Even now as a share these videos with you. I often talk channel as well, my guides impressed certain words onto me that I'm not meant to share with you. So if you listen to any of my videos and you feel something you feeling moved in a certain way. That is because the words that I share are infused with light coats of activation to really activate something within you as I channel these words that are being impressed onto my mind and I shared it with you. And that's what I meant like you did often speak in a way that is not necessarily that doesn't sound Like you, you're sharing it from a higher perspective that that higher wisdom, and that is infused with those light coats that is infused with the codes to really move people that really touches them deep with. And so that is also a great sign that if you ever catch yourself that you're speaking in a way that is usually not you or you're, you're speaking in a way that seems like from a higher knowledge, higher wisdom, higher level consciousness.

That too is a great sign that you're already channeling. And here I really just want to point something out because you may have heard from about Esther Hicks and some other people that really challenge or they're really getting into trance. And they're really the guides the entity is really speaking through them in that way in that trance kind of way. That is one way of channeling. But it's not the only way of channeling. Channeling can even happen when you let's say paint when you draw when you do something creative. My light language is also form of channeling, right. And I'm not in this whole trance either. So channeling can happen in numerous ways. So like I mentioned, you're already probably chanting, but if you would like to be able to be more deliberate about it and really learn how to really connect with a high the higher realms and learn how to challenge guidance, I want to invite you check out my free six day challenge to access your Akashic records. Because working with the Akashic records, too is a what form of channeling because you are accessing a higher realm, you're accessing the Akashic records. And you're receiving guidance from that. So if that's of interest to you, I'll put the link in the description below if you want to check it out. And join me it's a free six day challenge to learn how to access your own Akashic Record and learn how to channel from within your records as well. So links in description below, then the third sign is that you have the ability to really connect deeply, whether it is in meditation, or you're just sitting there and you're doing your journaling, or you just really just sitting there religious, deeply connecting, and really opening yourself up you feel so connected, that the messages flowing through it, they're just coming, you have a question, all of a sudden you receive the answer. That too is a form of channeling, because you're channeling the knowledge, the higher knowledge, the higher wisdom, it's coming through to you, and you're receiving the insight. So if you go into meditation, you're just so deeply connected, like really deeply connected, because not everyone can connect that deeply, especially when it comes to meditation, because the ego mind is often there, distracting you in those type of things. But if you really have the ability to connect deep in, doesn't always have to happen that way. But if you have moments where you really feel absolutely deeply connected, and all of a sudden you're getting those ideas, you're getting those insights, while that's channeling as well. Because you are in this deeply connected state, you are tapping into the higher realms, you are bypassing your ego and you're really tapping into the infinite void infinite, that the field of infinite possibilities and of course also the higher realms were under the guidance can come through. So if you are then in meditation, all of a sudden you're having ideas of what to do or what not to do or what steps to take or these new projects that are just wanting to be expressed through you that is channeling to because you are opening yourself up to receiving guidance, and the guidance is flowing through. It's there's no coincident here, okay? It's not just like, Oh, I just had this amazing idea. The idea had to come from somewhere, right? It was being impressed onto you sometimes even get so many ideas because your soul, your team of guys, they want to give you choices. They're giving you all the great things that would be to your highest and greatest good that if you were to take any of those, it would really lead you forward on your path. Now, of course, you can choose which of those ideas you want to then take and take actions upon. Because not everything is a right now for you. You're being given an insight you've been given. You've been given the guidance of what you can do. But then of course, then you have freewill. Then you get to decide which one of those things would you like to take. But like I said, if you're in this deep meditative state and you're getting all these insights, that is a way of channeling. Then the fourth sign here is that you can really tap into the creative energies that you just all of a sudden you're just in the zone and you're just creating something beautifully. where something is asking to be expressed through you, whether it's you feeling called to just paint a beautiful picture and you're really not all that great and painting but you're just so into flow. You really feel drawn at this. You really want to do this. This needs to happen this needs to be created and you Just creating it or even, let's say you want to create a book, write a book or create a program or create videos or anything like that. That too is a form of channeling, because you're being given to the insights, the creative ideas that are being asked to be expressed through you. And in all of my videos, they are a

form of channeling because I'm tapping into the creative flow. It's coming through me, it's never coming from me, because a lot of the times when I talk about certain things, I didn't even know about that, right. And I really tune in and I channeled the content and I tune in whenever I write content, whether it's for my online programs, or my videos, or anything that I create, I tap into the flow of this, this channeling state, I tap in like, Okay, what do I feel called to create what is asking to be expressed through me. That's what it means, like when you're channeling. And when you're in this creative flow, you're expressing things, things through you, not from you, it's never coming from you. Because oftentimes, you may not even know how to create it what to create. So it's all a channeling. That's happening. You're great site channeling the creative ideas, you create a you're challenged to create a flow. So whenever you have those ideas for those creative projects, whether it's painting, drawing, videos, writing, whatever it is, or even just being out in a garden and creating a beautiful garden for yourself, that is you channeling the creative energies, that too is a form of channeling. So I want to invite you look back over your life maybe last six months, and see how often have you tapped into the creative flow? How often have you channeled the creative flow and really created something beautifully, that it just flowed, it was just so easy wishes coming through you it's like, like, you opened up the waterfalls, and it was just flowing. Which brings me to the fifth sign here is that you often get into the zone where everything just flows, you're just one like Where's this coming from? Oh, my God, all that come out from me that I just create that that's what I'm talking about. You are in channeling that energy that that flow as well. That creative flow you're getting so in the zone that it made an even seem like time is standing still. Were you so in the zone that you're just creating. And you're so in that moment. So present in that moment, that when you're done with you're looking at time going on sorry that late or oh my god, barely any time has passed. So whenever you are truly in that zone, and it's just flowing, you really feel like it's just flowing through you the ideas are flowing, the creativity is flowing, everything is just flowing. That too, is a great sign that you are actually tapping into your channeling gift and channeling the frequencies channeling the energies, channeling whatever is wanting to come through you and being expressed through you, then the sixth sign is that you just intuitively know what to say what to do to comfort another person. Let's say someone comes up to you and they're not feeling good. And you just know exactly what to do or what to say. To make them feel better, that after the conversation with you, they're feeling so much better. Because as I mentioned earlier, the way you speak, the things you say they didn't change, they didn't shift, they may come from a higher perspective, and they hold light because of activation. So as you are talking to someone and you share whatever really is asked to be expressed through you, like whether you are aware of that or not, but you're just so in the moment that it's just flowing through you, the words are flowing through you because you're just you're have this warm heart, you just want to help this person. So the guidance is flowing through you. And then afterwards, that person just feels so much better because they talk to you. And it's because of the words that you shared, they were holding light codes of activation. That too is a great sign of channeling. So, you know, maybe think back when was the last time someone came to you with a problem and or they weren't feeling so good. And you really, you just knew the right things to say, or maybe not to say anything and just be present with that person letting them talk, but just them being in your presence was healing to them. That too, is a form of channeling. Then the seventh sign here is that you often get those flashes of insight those they could also call them divine downloads, right? Where you're just doing something all of a sudden you have all these ideas coming in or just insights coming in or maybe you had pondered about a question all of a sudden the answers flows in

or maybe you watch something and it's just it kind of whatever you're watching, it just speaks directly to you giving you an answer to exactly the question that you had pondered about before that you have kind of you know, ask, ask or even thought about when you're getting those flashes of insights, that too is a form of channeling. Because when you open yourself up to really receiving a guidance, the guidance can come in so many different ways. But if you ever get those flashes of insights, or let's say you're driving or for me, it always happens when I'm in the shower, that I get those massive ideas. I mean, there has been time when I literally have to stop, get out the shower, grab me a pen and paper and write down the insights that I got, because it was so much. That too was a form of channeling. Or another time for me is when I'm driving. Usually it happens when I'm least prepared to take notes, is when I get the insights. So and the reason for that is like oftentimes when we are doing things like that, whether it's in a shower, or driving or just doing something like that, we're just so in the moment, we're just open and that's when we received the insights. So whenever you're getting those massive downloads, that is a form of channeling because your guides source your angel your soul is impressing things onto you that are important for you to know in that moment. Whether it's ideas, whether it's guidance, what is insights, quiet answers to your question, no matter what it is, but whenever you have those flashes of insights, they're also form of channeling. So you see there are a lot of things that may go unnoticed if you just think about because flex channel is not just about going into trance and channeling an entity. It's not channeling is so much it's multifaceted. It's you can channel with drawing with painting with a speaking with writing with anything. Channeling is basically a form of opening yourself up to the flow, really being so present in the moment, to open yourself up to that higher guidance to flow through you, things being expressed through you, you're opening yourself up to receiving that to really finding out what is asking to be expressed through me. And you can actually ponder about that question or just put the question out into the room or into the word, what is asking to be expressed through me and just meditate on that maybe, and let the guidance come. But you already have the gift of intuition, and of channeling. And the channeling kind of all says is combined with intuition because you intuitively will know what to do what to say. Because it's actually coming through you. Now, the more you really tap into that, the better it will become the more the more you're able to then shout the higher guidance. And here I want to invite you to check out a video on how to use oracle cards to actually develop your intuition links in description below because oracle cards is a great way to connect to your intuition to connect also to the higher guidance to then also channel because as you're looking at the cards, yes, you can read the little pamphlet, the answer comes with each card. But then you can also tune in and open yourself up look at the card like okay, what's coming through here. What is the message here? How does it relate to my life. And that's how you can strengthen your channeling abilities as well. For me how channeling started was actually started with automatic writing. And that actually wasn't even planned. I was just writing in my journal and I was thinking about a question. And all of a sudden, I noticed that how my writing changed. I started talking in third person I was talking to me, rather than me just talking the wording how I how I wrote also changed, it was awesome, more from that higher perspective. After like, what is that?

Where's that coming from? Right. So that's how it started for me. Then I also started working with the oracle cards. So I think maybe I think I started working with oracle cards before the automatic writing. And of course then I also took a course in channeling but I never really channeled just the whole trance channeling that is not the way I channel. I do more of the talk channeling where things are just coming through me, I'm getting the ideas to insights I used with clients. But the more you work with that the more you work with his gift, the more you really develop the gift of channeling in so many different ways, the stronger it will become and then you can just tune in and you have a question and you right away get the guidance or you can even also use that gift to make an impact in the world with other people whether it's you don't feel called to maybe start a spiritual business or maybe just share insights with other people, whatever it is, but you wouldn't feel guided to do certain things or but you will also be able to do that as well to help yourself to help the people in your life and maybe even on a broader spectrum if that's what you choose. But once you really become consciously aware that you know what you are actually channeling you can really embrace that even more I also want to invite you be sure to subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell because I am going to release two additional videos about one for how to open yourself up to channeling and also an activation to help you really activate your channeling abilities if that's what you really would like to develop even more, and I hope you do because it really will change your life. Be sure to subscribe so you won't miss those videos. But now I'd like to know from you did any of the signs that I just shared with you resonate with you? Do you have any of those? Or are you aware that you are already channeling? I would love to know leave me a comment below. Let me know if any of those signs really resonate with you. If you're experiencing any of that or if you're actually already channeling yourself I would love to know. But also be sure to check out my Akashic Record challenge if you want to learn how to work with the Akashic Records to channel more on that end as well. I think you're going to love it. It's a free six day challenge. Link is in the description below. But here you go. You have the seven signs. I hope you enjoyed if you did do me a favor hit the like button. Like said leave me a comment below. Subscribe and also be sure to check out this next video here about using the oracle cards to really improve on your intuitive gifts. I think you're going to love it. I look forward to seeing you again next video. Until then, make it an amazingly abundant and successful day. Namaste.

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